Blues You Should Know
The purpose of this podcast will be to pull your coats to some of the influential and notable blues artists who have contributed mightily to our genre. I won’t be talking about the folks you probably already know about: Muddy Waters, Howlin’ Wolf, BB King and the like, instead we’ll explore the lives and music of some of the greats who have either become forgotten or perhaps never quite made the “A list.”. The blues has a deep and rich history and the more you broaden your listening scope the more you’ll appreciate and understand this music we all love so much.
Blues You Should Know
Cleveland Blues
Bob Frank
Season 3
Episode 1
We kick off season three with a special program about blues from my home-town, Cleveland, Ohio. We start by explaining why Cleveland has never the blues center that Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, or Mississippi were, then move on to feature some great musicians either born in Cleveland or who lived a significant portion of their lives here. Cow Cow Davenport, Montana Taylor, Bullmoose Jackson, Sonny Boy Williamson, Robert Lockwood, Jr., Wallace Coleman, Travis Haddix, Kristine Jackson, and, of course, Mr. Stress. Check 'em out of this episode of Blues You Should Know, always free and available on your favorite podcast platform.